Our Vision

Ai boosts ICU

As a global health problem, sepsis is defined as life threatening organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host response to an infecting pathogen, which may be significantly amplified byendogenous factors.

APRIKO’s AI-enabled sepsis prediction system aims at solving the bottlenecks of sepsis diagnosis in clinics. The system provides risk forecasts for development of sepsis in ICU. With our predictive model, HCPs could be notified for potential onset of sepsis 6 hours in advance. Furthermore, HCPs would benefit from risk factor analysis, facilitated by Explainable AI framework.

Our Solution

AI-Enabled Early Warning System for Intensive Care Unit

In recent decades there is a steady rise of interest in applying artificial intelligence in various medical areas, including early diagnosis of sepsis. Cross-disciplinary studies between AI and sepsis carried out by the community have already produced some promising results, which can be readily translated to clinical applications and hold promise for improved patient-care and better treatment of sepsis.

APRIKO’s AI-enabled sepsis prediction system exploits an integrated clinical environment, which connects medical devices and clinical applications to collect various medical information (incl. vital signs and laboratory data) of patients in real time. The data will subsequently be uploaded to the cloud database and processed through our predictive model for sepsis. Should the patient have a positive prognosis for sepsis, HCPs will receive alerts as well as detailed analysis from the system.  

Our sepsis prediction system facilitates HCPs to diagnose and treat sepsis in a more timely and efficient manner. 

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contact us

Email: info@apriko.net

Website: apriko.net

Linkedin: linkedin.com/apriko/